Laser Wart Removal Treatment

Effective treatment for warts, including plantars warts

Laser Wart Removal

Warts are one of several soft tissue conditions that often occur on the feet or hands but also occur on other parts of the body such as knees, elbows, face and so forth. They are often misdiagnosed as calluses. Children, especially teenagers, tend to be more susceptible to warts than adults; often this is due to a less-developed immune system. Warts can be solitary, or clustered together (mosaic warts). Their texture is spongy and many times they have tiny black spots imbedded in the tissue. These spots are blood capillaries and wherever a capillary is located, a nerve may be close by. This is why warts are often painful and bleed easily – they have many blood vessels and nerve endings imbedded in them. Treatment of warts varies depending on their symptoms, size, and number. The virus that causes warts generally invades the skin through small or invisible cuts and abrasions. The plantar wart is often contracted by walking barefoot on surfaces where the virus is present. The virus occurs in warm moist environments such as swimming pools and showers.

If left untreated, warts can grow and spread into clusters of several warts. Like other infectious lesions, warts can be spread by touching, scratching, or even by contact with skin shed from another wart. Warts can sometimes spontaneously resolve only to recur in the same location.

Wart Treatment

At Midpoint Medical, we maintain state-of-the-art YAG 1064 nm Cutera lasers that effectively and efficiently treat warts caused by viral infections. Generally we are able to completely remove your unsightly plantar warts in only 1 or 2 treatments. Results are dependent upon the size, number and depth of the wart but laser treatment provides minimal discomfort and no downtime.  Generally laser treatment leaves no scaring or deformations, which is often not the case if using traditional wart removal procedures such as freezing or surgery.

The wart infected area is rich in blood supply due to the infection. The laser targets this area and raises the temperature to destroy the virus and treat the immediately surrounding skin. The area may blister, releasing the virus from the body, and allowing the body to heal.

State-of-the-Art Medical Care For You & Your Family.

We are committed to serving you in a professional and courteous manner. Please call to book your appointment. 

(250) 385-3668

Clinic Locations

Visit us at our convenient clinic locations in British Columbia, Canada

MidPoint Medical Clinic

Kelowna, BC

Suite #229,
1634 Harvey Avenue
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 6G

Terrace Clinic, MidPoint medical laser and shockwave therapy

Terrace, BC

Suite #400,
4634 Park Avenue
Terrace, BC, V8G 1V7

Call (250) 385-3668 to book

Trusted partners with Island Foot Clinics

Patient Approved

Patient Testimonials

“Because of my bad knees, hip and lower back I thought my days of participating in sports and going to work pain free were gone. After receiving the third treatment for ESWT I felt 100% better and would urge everyone to try shockwave if they are experiencing chronic pain. I am so thankful you have this technology as I was either looking at surgery or going through the rest of my life in a great deal of pain. I was able to avoid both of these unpleasant scenarios by undergoing ESWT treatment and thank you and your staff for having the expertise and know how to assist people such as myself.”

Brandon P.

“I would like to thank you and your wonderful staff for the excellent treatment I recently received. As you know, I had severe acute pain in my left foot as well as my right shoulder.

I would highly recommend shockwave therapy to anyone who has experienced chronic pain and has not been able to get help anywhere else.”

Amber A.

“The thing I find most satisfying about ESWT is that it was not a temporary treatment but has permanently fixed my problems. It has now been over a year since my last treatment and never once have my elbows hurt again. I was a little skeptical at first as I had not heard of this new technology but after having done some research and meeting with you I was prepared to get serious about my condition and am so glad that I did. Anyone who has painful feet, knees, back or shoulder/elbow problems should seriously look into this remarkable treatment.”

Michelle S.

Patient testimonials are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered to represent a typical or ordinary experience for those who choose to undergo ESWT treatment. Patient testimonials are anecdotal and should not be considered scientific, factual or as an indication of the effectiveness of ESWT for your particular condition. Any person or individual considering or wishing to ascertain the scientific merits regarding the effectiveness of ESWT should rely on scientific studies published in accepted medical journals.

MidPoint Medical Laser and Shockwave Treatment Clinic

Phone: (250) 762-3325

Clinic Hours:
M-F: 9am - 4pm
By Appointment Only

Kelowna, BC
Terrace, BC